Bhagyashree Husband, All About Her Husband

Bhagyashree, 54, met her husband Himalaya Dasani during their school days, when he was known as the class troublemaker and she was the disciplined class monitor. The contrast between their personalities was stark, yet their interactions blossomed into a deep connection. Despite their constant bickering, it was evident they couldn’t be apart. On the last day of school, Himalaya finally confessed his feelings to Bhagyashree, marking the beginning of their love story. Bhagyashree, who has two children with Himalaya, has an estimated net worth of $3 million.

Overcoming Family Opposition

Bhagyashree hails from the royal Marathi family of Sangli, where her father, Vijay Singhrao Madhavrao Patwardhan, is the current Raja. Her family’s conservative and protocol-driven nature led them to disapprove of her relationship with Himalaya. Respecting her parents’ wishes, Bhagyashree broke up with Himalaya when he went to the U.S. for further studies. During this period, Bhagyashree signed her debut film, “Maine Pyar Kiya,” which was the turning point in her career.

Seeking Approval

Despite their breakup, Bhagyashree’s conviction that they would eventually be together led her to seek approval from Himalaya’s parents for her acting career. Even while Himalaya was studying abroad, she met his parents to ask if they would support her decision to work in films. They had no objections, and Bhagyashree began shooting for “Maine Pyar Kiya.”

Reuniting After Studies

After completing his education, Himalaya returned to India, and the old feelings between the couple resurfaced. Bhagyashree was determined to marry Himalaya, despite her parents’ continued opposition. She made a final attempt to gain their approval, but when it failed, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

The Deciding Call

Bhagyashree made a decisive call to Himalaya, asking him if he was sure about their relationship. She told him she was leaving her house and if he truly loved her, he should come and pick her up. Within fifteen minutes, Himalaya was there, ready to elope with her.

Secret Temple Marriage

In 1990, Bhagyashree and Himalaya got married in a small ceremony at a temple, attended by a few close friends, including Salman Khan and director Sooraj Barjatya, along with Himalaya’s parents. This secret wedding marked the culmination of their years-long journey of love and struggle.

Leaving Bollywood

Despite the immense success of “Maine Pyar Kiya,” Bhagyashree decided to leave Bollywood to focus on her family. She and Himalaya soon welcomed their son, Abhimanyu. Many considered her decision to quit acting at the peak of her career foolish, but Bhagyashree felt no regrets. She was content being a dedicated homemaker and mother.

No Regrets

Bhagyashree has often addressed questions about whether she regrets leaving her film career. She has consistently expressed her happiness in choosing to be a full-time homemaker, valuing her family life above stardom. In interviews, she has emphasized that while she respects career women who juggle both work and family, her decision to invest fully in her home was personally fulfilling.

Embracing the Decision

Despite societal expectations and the allure of stardom, Bhagyashree has embraced her decision with pride. She has acknowledged that being a homemaker is a challenging and often thankless job, but witnessing her children grow into fine individuals has made it all worthwhile. Her story reflects her belief that true success lies in personal happiness and fulfillment rather than societal approval.


Bhagyashree’s life story is a testament to her courage and conviction. From a royal family’s conservative expectations to the glittering world of Bollywood, and ultimately choosing a life of love and family, she has navigated her path with grace and determination. Her unwavering love for Himalaya Dasani and her contentment in her personal choices continue to inspire many. Bhagyashree’s journey underscores the importance of following one’s heart and finding happiness in personal decisions, regardless of external pressures.

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