Barry Bonds Willie Mays Rumors, Investigate Thoroughly

Willie Mays, a legendary figure in baseball history, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 93. With an estimated net worth of $3 million, Mays’s impact on the sport transcends his statistics and accolades. Known for his incredible career with the Giants and a brief stint with the Mets, Mays’s legacy is cemented in Cooperstown. Married with one son, Mays leaves behind not just a storied career but also a deep personal connection to another baseball great, Barry Bonds, for whom he served as a godfather.

The Godfather Connection

Mays’s relationship with Barry Bonds dates back to the late 1960s when Barry’s father, Bobby Bonds, joined the Giants. Mays, then in his 17th season, took Bobby under his wing. This mentorship extended beyond the baseball field, as Bobby’s young son, Barry, grew up around the Giants’ locker room, often interacting with Mays. It was during this time that Bobby’s wife, Pat, asked Mays to be Barry’s godfather, solidifying a bond that would last a lifetime.

A Lifelong Bond

Barry Bonds, now 59, cherished his relationship with Mays, often attributing much of his success and personal development to his godfather’s influence. After learning of Mays’s passing, Bonds expressed his profound grief and gratitude on Instagram, writing, “I am beyond devastated and overcome with emotion. I have no words to describe what you mean to me — you helped shape me to be who I am today. Thank you for being my Godfather and always being there. Give my dad a hug for me. Rest in peace Willie, I love you forever.”

Guiding Through the Giants

The connection between Mays and Bonds played a significant role in Barry’s decision to join the San Francisco Giants in the 1992 offseason. Mays, showing his deep affection and support, even offered Barry his retired No. 24 jersey, which Bonds respectfully declined, opting to wear No. 25 instead. This gesture highlighted the respect and admiration Bonds had for Mays, further deepening their bond.

Support Through Loss

When Bobby Bonds passed away in August 2003, he entrusted Mays with looking after Barry. “Willie, you’ve got to take care of Barry,” Bobby said before his death. “He’s not going to listen to other people like he does you and me.” Mays honored this request, becoming a pillar of support for Barry, especially during the difficult times following his father’s death.

Healing and Mentorship

The loss of his father left a void in Barry Bonds’s life, but Mays stepped in to fill this gap, offering guidance and companionship. Barry often spoke of how Mays helped him through the healing process, particularly during the winter months when they worked out together. This support system was crucial for Barry, who found solace in their shared experiences and Mays’s unwavering presence.

Shared Greatness

Both Mays and Bonds are celebrated as two of the greatest all-around players in MLB history. Mays’s influence on Bonds extended beyond their familial connection, impacting his career and approach to the game. The two shared a unique understanding of the pressures and challenges of professional baseball, allowing Mays to mentor Bonds effectively.

Legacy of Willie Mays

Willie Mays’s legacy is not only defined by his incredible achievements on the baseball field but also by the profound personal relationships he fostered. His role as Barry Bonds’s godfather is a testament to his character and the lasting impact he had on those close to him. Mays’s guidance and mentorship helped shape Bonds into the player and person he became, underscoring the importance of their bond.


Willie Mays’s passing marks the end of an era in baseball, but his legacy lives on through his contributions to the sport and the personal connections he nurtured. As a Hall of Famer and a mentor, Mays leaves behind a rich legacy that extends beyond his own career. His relationship with Barry Bonds highlights the depth of his influence and the enduring impact he had on the lives of those he cared about. Rest in peace, Willie Mays, a true giant of the game.

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